Health Services

Bioenvironmental Engineering

We provide quantitative fit testing, or QNFT, services for gas mask users, as well as for workers requiring respiratory protection within their work setting. Gas mask fit testing is only required once per lifetime upon arrival at the first permanent duty station. As an exception, fit testing may be re-accomplished when a new size or type of mask is issued, when the wearer gains or losses 10% or more of body weight or when the wearer experiences extensive dental work, facial surgery, scarring, or disfigurement. Industrial respirator fit testing is done by appointments only; a medical questionnaire must be obtained through Public Health and routed for review and signature by a medical provider prior to scheduling this appointment.

Contact Us


Office: 315-782-6541 or DSN 315-782-4670
On-call phone: Commercial 010-8700-9370


Gas Mask Fit Testing: Walk-in: Tuesday, 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.  
Office: Monday - Friday
7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 


Building 409, Second Floor

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