Urgent & Emergency Care
If you are experiencing an emergency, call 911
Kunsan Air Base Base doesn’t offer urgent or emergency care services.
The 8th Medical Group does not have an Emergency Room. If a Medical Emergency occurs that threatens life, limb, or eyesight call 911, DSN 782-0911 or cell: 063-470-0911.
In South Korea, 911 is called for on-base emergencies, while 119 is dialed for off-base emergencies. If 119 is called, you will be transferred to a civilian South Korean emergency medical service; you may have to request an English translator.
Call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. Some military treatment facility locations offer emergency room services and others do not, so be sure to be familiar with the clinics and services offered at your location.
Urgent Care
If you’re unsure about whether you need urgent care, contact the Military Health System Nurse Advice Line to speak to a registered nurse. Visit MHSNurseAdviceLine.com to find your country-specific number or to use web and video chat. To learn about how TRICARE covers urgent care, visit the TRICARE Urgent Care page.
Emergency Care
If you are experiencing a life-threatening medical situation (including mental health emergencies), call 911 immediately. Emergency care services treat life-threatening medical issues such as threats to your life, limbs, sight, or safety.
To learn about how TRICARE covers emergency care, visit the TRICARE Emergency Care page.